FAQs On Thermage


What is Thermage treatment?

Thermage is a non-invasive skin tightening and lifting treatment. 
It uses a unique patented Radiofrequency (RF) technology to heat up deeper layers of our skin to stimulate new collagen production in the skin. 

What can Thermage do?

New collagen production from thermage treatment can effectively lift and tighten the facial skin. It can also reduce pores, wrinkles and loose skin around the eyes, face and the neck.

Who are the suitable candidates for Thermage?

Thermage is suitable for all men and women, from young to middle aged, who are looking to delay signs of skin ageing. 

Collagen regeneration helps slow down the skin ageing process and provide an overall skin rejuvenation, lifting and tightening effect.

How long does it take before I can see results?

It takes about 2-3 months to see the results. Results from Thermage are usually gradual and progressive, and will continue to improve in the next 6-12 months.

How long do results last for?

Results from thermage typically last for 12 months. It can be repeated every year to maintain your youthful look.

If I were to do it during my lunch break? Any downtime?

There is zero to minimal downtime.

Is Thermage safe?

Thermage FLX is a very safe treatment with its skin tightening technology and smart cryo system. 

This ensures that the level of heat is automatically checked throughout treatment and adjusted accordingly to ensure patient’s safety, while providing maximum results. 

Ultherapy or Thermage?

Ultherapy and Thermage work together very well in delaying your skin and face ageing process and can benefit you in different ways.

These treatments can only be performed by doctors. Please consult a doctor to determine which treatment suits you best.


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