Chemical Peels

A chemical peel uses a medical grade mixture of Alpha and Beta Hydroxyl Acids that is applied to the skin by a medical professional with the objective of removing the top layer of dead skin, stimulating skin turnover and reducing oil production.

Chemical peels are used for the treatment of conditions like:

  • Acne, pigmentation
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Aging skin with fine wrinkles and mild sagging.

At S Aesthetics Clinic, we use the modified Jessner Peel, which is a superficial to medium depth peel, to treat areas like your face, neck, chest and back.


1) How many sessions are needed before we see results?

Most patients need 3-5 treatments, each a month apart, to start seeing visible improvement of their acne and skin quality.

2) How long is the downtime?

After a chemical peel, the skin will be red and tight for the first 1-3 days. Additionally, there will be some dryness and flaking from days 4-5. Most patients will need a week before the skin fully recovers.

3) Anything to take note of?

1 week before and 1 week after the chemical peel, patients will need to avoid sun exposure and stop topical medications and skincare that include retinols or acids. After the peel, patients must moisturize intensively and apply sunblock when going out. Using a stem cell conditioned media serum will also further reduce downtime

4) Who cannot do a chemical peel?

Patients with drug allergy to ingredients of the chemical peel (e.g. aspirin allergy), those who are pregnant and those with broken skin from eczema or active skin infection cannot undergo a chemical peel.

5) What are the risks of a chemical peel?

Redness, skin dryness and peeling are expected after a chemical peel. If strict UV avoidance is not maintained, there is a risk of hyperpigmentation.

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