Will Ultherapy melt your fillers?

ultherapy singapore

An Overview of Common Ultherapy Myths in Singapore.

I wrote this article in response to some of the most frequently asked questions in my practice about Ultherapy treatment. There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about Ultherapy and I hope this article will help you answer some of your concerns.

Ultherapy treatment uses microfocused ultrasound energy to stimulate the body in renewing and replacing existing collagen under the skin. This non-invasive ultrasound treatment, if used correctly by trained doctors, can effectively lift and tighten loose and saggy skin areas such as the cheeks, jowls, jawline, brows and neck area. Here are some of the facts about Ultherapy treatment:

  • FDA approved skin tightening treatment
  • Totally non-invasive
  • Works for women and men
  • Minimal to zero downtime
  • 1 treatment produces results
  • Results last for 12-18 months
  • Good safety profile

Myth 1: Ultherapy will melt my fillers

There are no clinical studies that show that Ultherapy dissolves fillers. On the contrary, in my experience, fillers such as Ellanse and Radiesse work synergistically with Ultherapy to stimulate collagen production.

Ultrasound energy from Ultherapy works at an optimal temperature of approximately 60-70°C. To put things in perspective, the sterilization process of hyaluronic acid gel requires a temperature of approximately 120°C. Even at a high temperature of 120°C, filler gel remains solid and intact. So how would a temperature of 60-70°C melt your fillers?  

Furthermore, Ultherapy has a real-time visualisation screen that allows us doctors to see in detail the structure of the skin, fat and muscles, and the exact location of the fillers. An experienced or well trained doctor will be able to deliver the energy precisely into the correct layers of your skin and avoid touching the fillers in the process.

Myth 2: Ultherapy will melt my fat and make my face look sunken

There are no clinical studies that show that Ultherapy can melt away fat. Ultherapy, if done correctly by experienced doctors, should not have any impact on fat cells. 

However, in theory, if the person performing the treatment is not well trained or not meticulous with the treatment, the continuous ultrasound heat energy delivery into the same spot repeatedly can generate high enough temperature to destroy fat cells. 

Therefore, it is important to get Ultherapy done by a doctor who has been trained to perform Ultherapy correctly and safely.

Myth 3: Ultherapy treatment is very painful

When Ultherapy was first introduced in 2007, it was indeed a painful treatment, hence the stigmatisation. 

However, since then, technology has progressed significantly and  many improvements have been made. The newer batch of Ultherapy machines are able to deliver much more comfortable and precise ultrasound energy that produces wonderful results.

In my practice, with adequate pain management protocol, all my patients are able to undergo Ultherapy treatment comfortably.

Myth 4: Ultherapy treatments are the same everywhere because everyone uses the same treatment protocol

Being a trained Ultherapy expert, I get very disappointed when I hear this statement from patients. The fact of the matter is, ultherapy equipment is uniquely designed for women and men with different facial anatomies. In my practice, every single patient is treated with customized protocols based on their gender, age, ethnicity, facial anatomy, skin type and concerned areas. It is not just about the number of shots and the energy level. Customizing the treatment protocol is a complicated process that takes into account many factors after a thorough facial assessment is done. 

I do not deny that a lot of people out there treat every patient with the same protocol. The reason they do so is because they do not have a clear understanding of human anatomy and are not properly trained to handle the equipment. Sometimes, it is just because it is less time consuming. If you choose to receive Ultherapy treatment in a medical spa or by poorly trained professionals just because the price is lower, then you will get what you paid for.

Myth 5: The more shots I receive, the better results I get.

Recently, there is a trend going around where patients specifically ask about the number of Ultherapy shots given, and choose to go for places that offer the most number of shots. Ironically, some of these places that offer the most number of shots also offer ridiculously low prices. 

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, an effective and safe Ultherapy treatment is not just about the number of shots. The more important thing to look out for is whether or not the place uses authentic Ultherapy equipment, and if the person performing Ultherapy treatment is a well trained doctor. In my practice, every patient is treated with customized protocols taking into account multiple factors after a thorough assessment. 

Myth 6: Ultherapy result only lasts for 6 months

Ultherapy stimulates production and regeneration of collagen, which takes about 3 months to mature and get strong enough to provide visible support to the skin structure. After that, results can last for 12 – 18 months. Ultherapy treatment produces long lasting results after one single treatment.

Myth 7: Ultherapy can only be done on the face

Besides face and neck, Ultherapy treatment can be used on various parts of the body to tighten the skin. Some of the areas that can be treated by Ultherapy are: Chest, butt, arm, under butt, above knee, abdomen, double chin.

What do I think of Ultherapy treatment as a doctor?

  • One of my favourite treatments so far.
  • I personally perform this treatment for my patients.
  • I highly recommend Ultherapy for my female and male patients.
  • I customize the treatment for each patient. 
  • I start Ultherapy treatment for patients around early to mid 30’s. 
  • I use it in combination with other treatments such as fillers and pico laser.

I hope this article clears some confusion and misunderstanding about Ultherapy. Lastly, I urge you to choose your Ultherapy provider wisely to get the treatment done safely with good and long lasting results.

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