Our Treatments

Rejuran Healer

Starts at SGD 268
Rejuran is a non-invasive anti-aging treatment. Its focus is on repairing the damaged skin and reversing the signs of aging. However, this one doesn’t use hyaluronic acid. Instead, it has polynucleotides which helps to rejuvenate and improve your skin.


Starts at SGD 188
The technology uses ultrasound waves to penetrate deep below the surface of the skin to stimulate and tighten collagen fibres. This helps to lift and tighten skin in a controlled manner without causing damage to the skin with minimal to no downtime.

Liftera HIFU

Starts at SGD 188
This is a non-invasive lifting and contouring treatment for the face, neck area and body. It's effective for strengthening of the skin and body such as face lifting, skin tightening, body shaping and line correction. This treatment has minimal to no downtime.


Starts at SGD 688
Dermal fillers are gel made up of hyaluronic acid that can be used to restore volume and youthfulness in the face. As we age, the fat and collagen in your face start to disappear. Dermal fillers, if used correctly, can help restore volume and improve sagging.

Rejuran I

Starts at SGD 268
It is a skin rejuvenation treatment that works by administrating polynucleotide into the dermis to improve skin physiology by assisting with tissue repair and collagen stimulation. This is designed to rejuvenate areas with thin skin, especially the eye areas.

Clear and Brilliant Laser

Starts at SGD 288
A laser skin rejuvenation treatment designed to combat and prevent skin ageing. It works by creating millions of microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of the skin. This replaces damaged skin with healthy tissue and results in the younger looking skin.

Thermage Face / Neck

Starts at SGD 50
It is a much more effective skin tightening treatment compared to previous versions, similarly helping to combat loss of skin elasticity but with greater efficiency. It reduces wrinkles and loose skin around the eyes, face, neck and body without surgery.

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Starts at SGD 188
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) uses high intensity pulses of light to penetrate the skin for skin quality enhancement with minimal downtime. It treats the lower layer of the skin without affecting the upper layer of skin, therefore rejuvenating the skin from the inside.

Chemical Peels

Starts at SGD 250
A chemical peel uses a medical grade mixture of Alpha and Beta Hydroxyl Acids that is applied to the skin by a medical professional with the objective of removing the top layer of dead skin, stimulating skin turnover and reducing oil production.


Starts at SGD 190
HydraFacial Elite is not just a simple facial treatment. It is an effective multi-step treatment that combines the benefits of hydra der­mabrasion, a chemical peel and painless extractions with a special delivery of antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and peptides.
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