Profhilo vs Skinboosters vs Rejuran

This is one of the most commonly asked questions by patients when it comes to skin injectables. If you happen to not know any of the treatments on the title, you can refer to one of our posts here: 

Why did we compare these treatments? 

These 3 treatments are similar in a few ways, and to the layperson, it is also these similarities that confuse us to think that they are the same:

  1. They are all injectable treatments, usually delivered in the form of multiple injections on the skin of the face either manually or with an injector. 
  2. They improve ageing skin which typically is plagued with dryness, fine lines, and laxity. 
  3. They do not change the shape of our faces. 
  4. Profhilo and Skinboosters both contain hyaluronic acid (HA) like dermal fillers, but due to structural differences, they do not add to volume in the face. 

So, which treatment is the best? 

Well, there is no right answer to this question. Profhilo is not better than skin boosters and vice versa, and the same applies to Rejuran. The right question to ask rather is: 

“Which is the best treatment for me?”

All 3 treatments have their own special qualities and have been proven to be effective in their respective domains, giving significant results if done properly. More importantly, it is imperative and essential that the treatment that is chosen is best suited to target the patient’s unique skin needs and concerns. These concerns could be skin laxity, dryness, skin texture, pore size, scars, uneven skin tone or even all of them. 

Below, we will first look at some basic differences between these 3 products:


Profhilo 64mg/syringe2ml per syringe 2/10 2 sessions, 1 month apart Hydration Plumps skin Improves skin quality Reduces skin laxity Modest lifting effect
Skinboosters 15-20mg/syringe1ml/syringe 4/10 3-4 sessions, 1 month apart Hydration Skin brightening
Rejuran Healer 0mg2ml/syringe 6/10 3-4 sessions, 1 month apart Improve skin quality Minimal hydrating effect

So, who will benefit from which treatment?


What are skinboosters and who will benefit most from Skinboosters?

Skinboosters are colloquially known as injectable moisturizers. It is a treatment that is based on multiple micro-injections of free hyaluronic acid into the skin to increase the hydration level in the skin. HA is a water-binding molecule that is able to hold up to 10,000 times its own weight in water. Common brands include Restylane Vital Lite and Teosyal Redensity I. 

Patients who primarily want to improve skin dryness as well as want some glow and radiance to their complexion will benefit most from skinboosters.

A course of skin booster treatment involves 3 sessions one month apart to achieve long-lasting radiance. Downtime is typically 3-5 days due to the many injection points and depth of injection, typically as small injection marks, although bruising is also a possibility. Skin boosters can be administered via manual hand injections by your doctor or using an injector, or a mixture of both. 


What is Rejuran and who will benefit most from Rejuran?

Rejuran is an injectable based on polynucleotide derived from Salmon DNA from Korea. Its main benefits are creating skin healing and collagen synthesis. 

Patients who have acne scars, open pores, sensitive skin, uneven skin tone as well as redness stand to benefit most from Rejuran injections. 

Rejuran injections also require a minimum of 3 sessions, one month apart. Due to the superficial nature of the injections – it is placed in the superficial layer (basement membrane) of the skin, patients get “mosquitoes bites-like bumps” immediately after treatment that typically take 24-48 hours to subside. Injection marks may remain for up to 3 days, but bruising is exceedingly rare. 


What is Profhilo and who will benefit most from Profhilo? 

Profhilo is an injectable based on both high molecular weight and low molecular weight HA which had been treated with just thermal reaction to form hybrid cooperative complexes. It works by multilevel dynamic remodelling, and hence in addition to skin hydration, it also stimulates collagen production and improves skin laxity. 

Patients with ageing skin that is affected by both dryness, laxity and loss of elasticity with early sagging will benefit most from Profhilo treatment. 

Profhilo requires 2 sessions one month apart due to the presence of cooperative hybrid complexes which renders it more resistant to hyaluronidase breakdown. 

Profhilo also has the advantage of requiring only 5 injection points on each side of the face using the Bio-Aesthetic Points (BAP) technique which means the treatment only causes minimal downtime in the form of swelling over the injection points that usually subside within the day. In all 3 treatments, Profhilo has the least downtime due to this. 

Below is a summary table comparing the 3 products.


Ingredients H-HA & L-HA Free HAs Polynucleotides
Benefits Hydration Multilevel bio-remodelling Collagen+Elastin production Hydration Radiance Skin barrier rejuvenation Skin repair Collagen production
Target Ageing skin with laxity and early sagging Dry skin Sensitive skin, open pores, acne scars, uneven skin tone, redness
Age group 30-50yo for anti-ageingSagging thinned skin 20yo above with dry, dehydrated dull skin 20yo above with problematic, acne or sensitive skin
Administration BAP techniques – 5 injections per side Multiple manual microinjections with hand or injector Multiple manual microinjections with hand or injector
Treatment Regime 2 sessions, 4 weeks apart 3-4 sessions 1 month apart 3-4 sessions 1 month apart
Duration of efficacy 6-9 months 6 months 6 months
Downtime Minimal downtime – mild swelling on injection points Injection marks 3-5 days with risk of bruising Insect bite like swelling for 24-48 hours, injection marks 2-3 days
Treatment areas Face, neck, décolletage, arms, hands Face, neck, décolletage, hands Face, neck, hands
Combination with other treatments Yes Yes Yes
Pain Score ++ +++ ++++
Price $$$ $$ $$

So, which treatment is right for you? 

This really depends on your skin concern and what you are looking to achieve with treatment. There is no “one size fits all” solution in aesthetic practice and it is always advisable to speak in detail with your doctor about what you want to achieve. 

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